Lime juice is an easy and cheap drink to make. However, not everyone should consume it.
Specialists have confirmed that vitamin C-enriched limes have a lot of health benefits. They can help prevent cancers and heart diseases, slow down aging process and help lose weight by burning fat. In oriental medicine, lime juice, peels and seeds can be used as medicine too.
However, those with peptic ulcer or diseases related to the kidney, gallbladder or the digestive system are suggested to drink a limited amount of lime juice only, as lime juice will increase the amount of acid in their stomach.
People who have belching disorders are also advised not to drink too much of the juice as this drink may slowly cause digestive diseases. It is also advised not to drink lime juice when hungry.
It is recommended to mix lime juice with warm water and drink it 30 minutes after meals to avoid damages to the gastric system and stomach.
It should be consumed in small sips instead of being consumed all at once. You can add ginger, honey, salt, and milk to the juice if you want to diversify the flavor, and make the taste less sour and uncomfortable.